Cancellation Policy
- All requests for withdrawal must be received by email a minimum of seven days’ prior to course start date. Requests must be made by email to L.BIRNEY@LBCSAFETY.CA
- If you do not provide me seven days’ notice of withdrawal will result in forfeiture of course costs. Students who withdraw after class start date, late arrivals that are denied entrance to the class, students that are unfit for duty (e.g. drugs or alcohol), or who fail to attend the full course, will forfeit full costs. In some cases substitutions will be allowed up to the course start date as long as every effort is made to let me know as soon as possible.
- I reserve the right to cancel/postpone any course for in which the minimum student registration is not achieved. I reserve the right to cancel/postpone any course at my discretion due to unforeseen circumstance (e.g. Extreme weather, emergency situations, safety concerns). Every effort will be made to advise students of canceled/ postponed courses before they start.
- For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, feel free to contact me with any questions you may have, I am here to help!