Industry Certified Chainsaw Training & Safety Courses

The Chainsaw Faller Competency Program – Level I
Chainsaw Basics

This course is the first level required in the steps to become a certified faller. In this program, you will learn the basics of chainsaw handling and operations and gain an understanding of personal and work site safety. This course is for anyone required to work with or around chainsaws at work or at home including trail or pipeline crews, seismic fallers and slashers, loggers, firefighters, arborists and more.

The program topics include:

  • Hazard assessment and control
  • Chainsaw inspection and maintenance
  • Chainsaw handling and operations
  • Safe limbing and bucking practices

The three day course includes one day of classroom instruction and two days of hands on training at a designated cutting site.

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a Chainsaw Competency Record Logbook and a wallet certificate that is valid for three years and are qualified to find work as a bucker (maximum six inches in diameter at breast height (DBH) trees.)

Chainsaw Course Alberta

CAGC Level 2 Faller Entry Course:
Date: TBA
Grande Prairie
Enroll Now!

This is a course for candidates looking to take the next step to becoming a certified faller in Canada. This course is for candidates with experience operating a chainsaw, and would like to advance their knowledge and skills in falling trees. The first day is classroom only and no gear is required. The following 4 days are in the field at the cutting site.

This course accepts only 4 students at a time, so register early.

25 Day Supervised Falling Course

Lloydminster April 1 – 25, 2025

This course is designed for candidates looking for their 25 days falling experience supervised by a QST. Students work on a logging block on an operational worksite handfalling under QST supervision to complete their required hours to go to Level 3. Upon successful completion they will have completed hours to apply for the Level 3 Faller Evaluation.

This course accepts only 4 students at a time, so register early.

Firefighter Bomber and Chopper

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